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Megadroid Alpari UK
Sistemas de Negociação
Apr 23, 2010 at 09:54
I see that you're running 2 Megadroid instances on the same account. Possibly the second one with GMT+1. The first one with RiskLevel 0.3 and the second RiskLevel 0.2. Using 50% of your margin for one trade window is quite high.Had you used only 30%, you would have gotten out at breakeven or +1 pip profit at 2010-04-23 08:00 instead of margin calling.A pity.
Sistemas de Negociação
Apr 22, 2010 at 18:59
Another observation, and no offense meant, please don't take this the wrong way. Is this a micro account that is multipled x100? I'm unaware of brokers offering 1:500 leverage for larger deposits.
Sistemas de Negociação
Apr 22, 2010 at 18:34
Hi SG-Japan,I was analysing your 2010-04-09 trade where it gapped up over the weekend. It triggered up to 4 martingale positions, with the last being 81 standard lots. (Or rather 81 times the lotsize of the 1st position).Your equity before the trade was $208,985.02. The maximum the price went up to 0.8847. The $ drawdown for all 5 positions went as high as -$58,780.49. A relative drawdown -28.13%.I see that each Martingale position's lotsize is 3 times the previous and at a step of 22pips. The 5th position was 58 pips away from the 4th position due to the gap up and triggered the moment yo...
$$$ Manager
Sistemas de Negociação
Apr 18, 2010 at 05:47
No need to go through so much hassle, just edit the csv file in the experts/files folder prior upload by the myfxbook ea. Bang you're done.The brokerages advocated are likely scam brokers. And when likely, it's a 95% likely.I doubt he's going to bother updating any more from this point.
$$$ Manager
Sistemas de Negociação
Apr 15, 2010 at 00:00
Utterly convinced this is a 100% scam now. PM for details. For obvious reasons, I will only respond to those who have posted here already.
$$$ Manager
Sistemas de Negociação
Apr 14, 2010 at 15:37
Hang... on a second, it's starting to look a little crazy here. 3361% gain of starting equity in one day. At $10,000, that's $336,100 profit. In one day. Ye...ah.Hide the trade history by all means but why not verifiy the track record?
$$$ Manager
Sistemas de Negociação
Apr 13, 2010 at 23:00
Definitely good on him to be able to trade so well and will be highly interesting to watch his performance. However, might be useful to take it with a pinch of salt. I don't want to be a Doubting Thomas but why not keep the track record verified at all times? Since this account appeared on the Systems page, it must have been verified at the start. But yet it's not now. (To be an a**hat, might this be so that a statement could be uploaded into mt4 between trading hours?)And outright detractors, why not take a wait and see approach?
MyFxBook EA
Apr 13, 2010 at 08:53
Hi Johann, why don't you use the Custom Analysis option in the editing page and pin it?
$$$ Manager
Sistemas de Negociação
Apr 11, 2010 at 17:02
Hi fxveteran,I see what you say and it makes sense about myfxbook's definition of 'drawdown'. And I'm sure it's largely for the fact that only the account history is uploaded and not running trade data. It is possible to have a trade bring your available margin down by 99.9% and then recover to close at breakeven or a winning trade, and myfxbook will still record it as 0% drawdown. This is obviously misleading and/or misguided(not your fault). This is also not the same definition of drawdown used in mt4 reports which does report it correctly.Regarding your performance, I...
$$$ Manager
Sistemas de Negociação
Apr 10, 2010 at 06:57
Wows.. +934.05% gain in 1 day.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------E.g. equity = $10,000.00Leverage = 1:200Total pips gained = 3120no. of trades = 50pips/trade = 62.4 pipsprofit % = 934.05%profit = $10,000.00*934.05% = $93,405.00$ size of 1 pip = $29.94Each trade lotsize = 2.99Max range for GBPUSD yesterday = 250 pipsMin. possible no. of trades = 3120/250 = 12.48Min. no. of concurrent positi 50/12.48 = 4.01Total lotsize of concu...
Sistemas de Negociação
Apr 10, 2010 at 05:12
Hi showbaba,Thanks again for sharing your data. Please don't take the following queries and observations the wrong way but I would like to understand things a little more.Is this EA a commercial or freely distributed one?For the Marty component, when some trigger in the 1st position occurs, it opens a 1st pending order -30 pips away. Another trigger may also cause it to open a 2nd pending order -60 pips away.(as evidenced by the Limit orders not activating) And so on with the subsequent positions being 30 pips less each time.On two occasions, the 1st position went down to at least -210 pip...
Sistemas de Negociação
Apr 07, 2010 at 06:52
Hi showbaba, that's a very nice equity curve. Congrats!I understand the EA is using a Martingale strategy to recover trades that move against it by setting subsequent positions 30 pips away and twice the lot size of the previous position.I notice that there is a drawdown of up to $8,000 with the EURUSD trades during these times.03.25.2010 20:00 - 03.29.2010 14:4103.18.2010 10:48 - 03.22.2010 15:46 If you could indulge me,Query 1:Why is the reported drawdown 6.64% instead of around 50%. Please correct me if I'm wrong here, I don't quite understand how myfxbook's reporting of DD ...
JadeFX Real
Sistemas de Negociação
Apr 06, 2010 at 02:08
0.1 lots per position for a $500 account? Way over-leveraged. Trading based on luck, dude.
FRWC - Fusion V - Alpari
Sistemas de Negociação
Apr 01, 2010 at 21:38
I hear you. To screw up with that RRR, the entry logic really needs some work.The 2010.03.26 or 2010.03.25(depending on your GMT offset) SL hitting trades really killed off all the gains and then some. And this was the same with both HiRider and HiRider Advanced. Sigh... Beginning to appear that it's earlier success was due more to luck and it's RRR.
FRWC - Fusion V - Alpari
Sistemas de Negociação
Apr 01, 2010 at 03:56
The account was trading some other system until 2010.01.26 03:13. You can see the comment by scrolling over the Trade#. The older system/trades lost $4403.44. So you should add this back to the total that Fusion made.The HiriderAdvForwardTest statement looks like a demo though, there's no typical "Auto Account Sync with FXCM" entries normally associated with live accounts. It also didn't have the 2010.03.26 01:08 trades that hit the -210 SL which I experienced and as did the Fusion_Steve a/c.
FRWC - Fusion V - Alpari
Sistemas de Negociação
Mar 29, 2010 at 19:19
Thanks for the writeup, KagiFX1. So something like LMD, huh? To target 10-15% per month, with it's infrequent trades(6 so far on bugboy's run), you must be using a significant proportion of your margin per trade, yes?
FRWC - Fusion V - Alpari
Sistemas de Negociação
Mar 26, 2010 at 22:22
Hi KagiFX1, what kind of % gain per month are you targetting for your modified Neg Correlation? Could you elaborate a little on it's strategy if you've glean anything on the way it trades?
Multiple EA Combined
Sistemas de Negociação
Mar 18, 2010 at 03:35
Ok, nvm, figured out how to get rid of the line.
Multiple EA Combined
Sistemas de Negociação
Mar 15, 2010 at 07:26
Hi Phoenix48, thanks for posting up your EA experiments. I tried to use the custom analysis to filter the chart by EAs(magic number) but the overall account balance line scales the EA chart lines to flattish lines. Is there a way to view the EA's without the overall account balance line?Or perhaps if you could, by default sort by magic number for the primary chart? (I've just starting using myfxbook myself and am figuring out this. lol)
FRWC - Fusion V - Alpari
Sistemas de Negociação
Mar 11, 2010 at 18:14
Any of you guys, as of Thursday 2010-03-11 18:10, still have a single Straasha trade (main strategy) still open with floating pip of -30 pips?If I understand correctly, the default setting 'S3_MaxLoss' at 10.0 should have closed it by now.And I can't be too sure but I suspect the closing of open trades (by hitting TP or SL) might not override the trading hours settings (S3_StartHour, S3_EndHour, S3_TradeFriday), which would be rather bad. Particularly if any open Martingale positions crosses over the trading time window.Just started testing Straasha this week so I don't know ab...
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