XAUAUD Exchange Rate


Ouro x Dólar Australiano Exchange Rate (XAU to AUD)

-0.01% -58.0 pips
Bid/Ask: 4,917.33/4,917.91
Intervalo diário: 4,915.50 - 4,936.16
Intervalo de 1 minuto
Intervalo de 5 minutos
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Interest Rates

Australia Reserve Bank of Australia 4.1% 4.35% 23h 22min

Latest XAUAUD News

Australia Inflation Eases Slightly In February

Australia Inflation Eases Slightly In February

Australia consumer price inflation softened unexpectedly in February, raising hopes of another interest rate cut in coming months. The monthly consumer price index rose 2.4 percent year-on-year in February, after holding steady at 2.5 percent in the previous two months, the Australian Bureau of Statistics reported Wednesday.
RTTNews | 5 dias atrás
Australia Unemployment Rate Steady At 4.1%

Australia Unemployment Rate Steady At 4.1%

The unemployment rate in Australia came in at a seasonally adjusted 4.1 percent in February, the Australian Bureau of Statistics said on Thursday - in line with expectations and unchanged from the January reading.
RTTNews | 11 dias atrás

XAUAUD Exchange Rates Analysis

XAUAUD Historial de Dados - Historial de dados XAUAUD selecionáveis por intervalo de datas e período de tempo.

XAUAUD Volatilidade - XAUAUD análise de volatilidade da moeda em tempo real.

XAUAUD Correlação - XAUAUD análise de correlação de moeda em tempo real.

XAUAUD Indicadores - XAUAUD indicadores de tempo real.

XAUAUD Padrões - XAUAUD padrões de preços em tempo real.