GBPSEK Exchange Rate


Libra da Grã-Bretanha x Coroa Sueca Exchange Rate (GBP to SEK)

-0.21% -275.9 pips
Bid/Ask: 13.32373/13.35132
Intervalo diário: 13.30002 - 13.44248
Intervalo de 1 minuto
Intervalo de 5 minutos
Intervalo de 15 minutos
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Sweden Sveriges Riksbank 2.25% 2.25% -
United Kingdom Bank of England 4.5% 4.75% 15 dias

Latest GBPSEK News

UK Mortgage Lending Strongest Since 2022, Approvals Fall Slightly

UK Mortgage Lending Strongest Since 2022, Approvals Fall Slightly

Mortgage borrowing of British homebuyers hit the highest since September 2022, while home loan approvals decreased slightly in January ahead of the stamp duty changes in April, figures from the Bank of England showed on Monday. Mortgage lending increased GBP 0.9 billion to GBP 4.2 billion in January, which was the highest since September 2022.
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UK Nationwide House Price Rise More Than Forecast

UK Nationwide House Price Rise More Than Forecast

UK house prices increased more than expected in February as buyers brought forward their transactions ahead of stamp duty change in April, the mortgage lender Nationwide Building Society said on Friday. House price grew at a pace of 0.4 percent on a monthly basis in February after a 0.1 percent gain in the previous month. Moreover, this was the sixth consecutive monthly increase and was faster t
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UK Car Production Declines Sharply: SMMT

UK Car Production Declines Sharply: SMMT

UK car production logged a double-digit decline in January reflecting weakness in key markets combined with planned model changeovers, the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders, or SMMT, said Thursday. In January, vehicle production slid 17.7 percent from a year ago. Factories rolled out 71,104 cars and 6,908 commercial vehicles.
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UK Retail Sales Growth At 8-Month High

UK Retail Sales Growth At 8-Month High

UK retail sales expanded at the fastest pace in eight months in January due to the rebound in food store sales volume, the Office for National Statistics said Friday. Retail sales volume increased 1.7 percent in January from December. The monthly growth confounded a revised fall of 0.6 percent in December.
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GBPSEK Exchange Rates Analysis

GBPSEK Historial de Dados - Historial de dados GBPSEK selecionáveis por intervalo de datas e período de tempo.

GBPSEK Volatilidade - GBPSEK análise de volatilidade da moeda em tempo real.

GBPSEK Correlação - GBPSEK análise de correlação de moeda em tempo real.

GBPSEK Indicadores - GBPSEK indicadores de tempo real.

GBPSEK Padrões - GBPSEK padrões de preços em tempo real.