SLK Fintech - USD 5k

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SLK Fintech - USD 5k Discussão

Jan 10, 2020 at 11:31
812 Visualizações
1 Replies
Membro Desde Aug 27, 2015   68 posts
Feb 16, 2020 at 11:28
vladkrasnensky posted:
It looks very stable for me.
And most importantly, this will work for any broker.

Average Win: 67.03 pips
Average Loss: -69.77 pips

Avg. Trade Length: 4hours


How do you know it works with any broker? Please show any real result on Icmarkets, Pepperstone, Tickmill, ..?
Membro Desde Aug 01, 2019   2 posts
Apr 23, 2020 at 19:27

Sealark LLPStatus: No longer authorised(Reference number: 512645)This is a firm that can no longer provide regulated products and services, but was previously authorised by the PRA and/or FCA.
Contact Details
Principal place of business
Address:Manor Farm HouseLashamAltonHampshireGU34 5SLUNITED KINGDOM
Phone:+44 1256381021
Email:[email protected]
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