myrealea15: Abdul Rupar bin Abdul Wahab (Por ruparaw)

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myrealea15: Abdul Rupar bin Abdul Wahab Discussão

Nov 25, 2010 at 11:57
774 Visualizações
2 Replies
Membro Desde Feb 19, 2010   55 posts
Dec 07, 2010 at 08:40
Dear all fellow traders,

After almost a year i am joining myfxbook, this is the first time i am willing to share my trade here. Thanks god i think i found already a combination of about 5 best systems putting all together in 1 account(real). In almost 4 months traded this system i believed this system combination will be the best ever i found after almost 5 years in this industry.

Anybody would like to put some fund and sharing with me the return say every weeks or two are welcome. 😎
Not greedy is the most important factor on your FOREX sucsessfullness.
Membro Desde Sep 12, 2009   312 posts
Dec 07, 2010 at 21:45
Where is net gain in ur trade
u deposite 730 dollrs
ur eqity and withdraw total:728
so total 2 dollrs loss
why r u asking other peoples money
Membro Desde Feb 19, 2010   55 posts
Dec 07, 2010 at 22:29 (editado Dec 07, 2010 at 22:55)
kishorejoga posted:
Where is net gain in ur trade
u deposite 730 dollrs
ur eqity and withdraw total:728
so total 2 dollrs loss
why r u asking other peoples money

The withdrawal total is 428 sir not 728, I don't know where did you get the 728 figure. My net profit as until now i believed is more important figure to see ie 224. Anyway thanks for the comment.
Not greedy is the most important factor on your FOREX sucsessfullness.
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