lionel1 (Por lionelpabz)

Ganho : +6400.0%
Limite de prejuízo 99.83%
Pips: 22.3
Negociações 14
Tipo: Real
Vantagem: 1:500
Negociação: Desconhecido

lionel1 Discussão

Feb 14, 2020 at 12:17
539 Visualizações
1 Replies
Membro Desde Dec 09, 2014   3 posts
Feb 15, 2020 at 12:21
Is this account still active?
in my experience there are many account here show green gain and end with red gain then deleted.
you are the one and only person share lossing account here, are you sick man?😂
Membro Desde Dec 07, 2015   6 posts
Feb 16, 2020 at 06:29
nenenbulat posted:
Is this account still active?
in my experience there are many account here show green gain and end with red gain then deleted.
you are the one and only person share lossing account here, are you sick man?😂

yes it is active forever time. i don't and never delete it.
thanks for coming and btw i am very healthy right now 😎


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