journal $10 to $10.000 2 month (Por forex_trader_187899)

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journal $10 to $10.000 2 month Discussão

May 17, 2014 at 04:11
536 Visualizações
2 Replies
Membro Desde May 07, 2014   4 posts
May 17, 2014 at 20:25
very interested in seeing what you got here... good luck from the sidelines!
Lord, have mercy!
Membro Desde Dec 15, 2010   784 posts
May 18, 2014 at 01:47
ok.. lets see a real money account and start trading....
Click on my Name to see My Live Charts and Bio.
Membro Desde Apr 27, 2014   1 posts
May 18, 2014 at 06:35
yes i hope that can be realized :)
i can make 400% in 5 days but not compounding now that is compounding

with start lot 0.02
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