ForexMaximizer-Demo-AlpariUK (Por rsmereka)
O utilizador eliminou este sistema.
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ForexMaximizer-Demo-AlpariUK Discussão
Membro Desde Mar 26, 2010
3 posts
Membro Desde Mar 11, 2010
34 posts
Membro Desde Sep 04, 2009
849 posts
Membro Desde Mar 11, 2010
34 posts
May 18, 2010 at 13:26
Membro Desde Oct 16, 2009
51 posts
pc8multifx posted:
why do u hide the system now?
I am not hiding anything except the broker account number
This is the Forex Maximizer being currently marketed. Both EA's: Forex Maximizer trading GBPUSD and Forex Maximizer Advanced trading GBPJPY are in play.
May 18, 2010 at 13:29
Membro Desde Oct 16, 2009
51 posts
Metatrader on my VPS crashed and I did not notice it until now. My live account ( has entered two Maximizer trades (one of each EA) in the meantime.
I have re-started Metatrader and it seems to be running properly now.
I have re-started Metatrader and it seems to be running properly now.
Membro Desde Sep 04, 2009
849 posts
Membro Desde Sep 04, 2009
849 posts
May 18, 2010 at 14:02
(editado May 18, 2010 at 14:03)
Membro Desde Sep 04, 2009
849 posts
rsmereka posted:
Metatrader on my VPS crashed and I did not notice it until now. My live account ( has entered two Maximizer trades (one of each EA) in the meantime.
I have re-started Metatrader and it seems to be running properly now.
Seems myfxbook server is in trouble, none of my accaunts here are up to date since 7 hours, like yours
Membro Desde Mar 26, 2010
3 posts

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