FedBot (Por KirksFx)
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FedBot Discussão
Apr 15, 2024 at 11:52
Membro Desde Nov 18, 2023
5 posts
Hi Kirk,
I'm a fellow NURP er. I was curious if you're using recommended lot sizes or slightly higher? Would you mind sharing? I would be honored to learn from you. I'm using recommended and seeing returns in the 3-6% range per month in 2024.
I'm a fellow NURP er. I was curious if you're using recommended lot sizes or slightly higher? Would you mind sharing? I would be honored to learn from you. I'm using recommended and seeing returns in the 3-6% range per month in 2024.
Fun, Learn, Operate, Win: FLOW
Membro Desde Feb 06, 2024
1 posts
Membro Desde Jun 01, 2023
38 posts

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