FanticDayandNightV1FxPro (Por Fantic)
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FanticDayandNightV1FxPro Discussão
Membro Desde Apr 20, 2010
808 posts
Apr 22, 2010 at 11:14
Membro Desde Apr 20, 2010
808 posts
Wow.. Crazy 414% ROI on January. Is this EA Cyclone ?
As I remember on 4Xproject this EA one month go crazy with 500% ROI.
So what tactic this EA use ? Is it trend follow, scalping, martingale ? Crazy 12 pair play too.
As I remember on 4Xproject this EA one month go crazy with 500% ROI.
So what tactic this EA use ? Is it trend follow, scalping, martingale ? Crazy 12 pair play too.
Information is Gold when come to organised.
Apr 22, 2010 at 11:35
Membro Desde Dec 17, 2009
6 posts
its not the Cyclone EA. I used my own EAs. The "Nightwalker" is a scalper that runs on low Vol. times with Grid System.
The second EA "Daywalker" was a test for midterm trading ( trend follow based on different MAs ) - but not really profitable.
I stoped booth because i try to find the best settings for the Nightwalker.
Would never user these Lotsizes on any Live Account ... thats to much :)
its not the Cyclone EA. I used my own EAs. The "Nightwalker" is a scalper that runs on low Vol. times with Grid System.
The second EA "Daywalker" was a test for midterm trading ( trend follow based on different MAs ) - but not really profitable.
I stoped booth because i try to find the best settings for the Nightwalker.
Would never user these Lotsizes on any Live Account ... thats to much :)
Ich bin Tim ;-)

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