EA1/2 ECN Forward Test w/ 5% risk. (Por jriechers)
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EA1/2 ECN Forward Test w/ 5% risk. Discussão
Dec 11, 2009 at 18:19
Membro Desde Nov 09, 2009
60 posts
Closed the week up 25%. As with the 20% risk account, some irregularities on the trade closing times, 2 of the 4 didnt close at the right time, 1 was an hour late, the other an hour early. Something to fix over the weekend.
It is what it is, until its not, and then its something else.
Dec 11, 2009 at 23:11
Membro Desde Nov 09, 2009
60 posts
Average Daily Gain = 3.14%
Extrapolated over 20 days (4 trading weeks) compounded comes out to an 85.58% gain. While its peanuts compared to the other account, im risking 1/4 as much per trade and drawdown is under 20% still. An additional 20 days turns into 244.42% gain. Hard to avoid looking at the other account though, as the same extra 20 days turns into an astounding 106,848.82% gain, with a dollar amount over 10 million. Silly aint it.
Extrapolated over 20 days (4 trading weeks) compounded comes out to an 85.58% gain. While its peanuts compared to the other account, im risking 1/4 as much per trade and drawdown is under 20% still. An additional 20 days turns into 244.42% gain. Hard to avoid looking at the other account though, as the same extra 20 days turns into an astounding 106,848.82% gain, with a dollar amount over 10 million. Silly aint it.
It is what it is, until its not, and then its something else.
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