Tópicos recentes discutidos

volatility-trader-r30-LIVE-A In Sistemas de Negociação por tbuitendyk - Feb 18, 2010 at 22:37
Introducing Release 3.0 of the Volatility Trader software.This set-up is running on an account that was previously used with earlier versions of some of our other software. (Hence the custom start date.)Since its start-up on February 3, this account is running with a set of 8 signals generated by our software:The strongest of our earlier set,...
JADE FX REAL In Sistemas de Negociação por forex_trader_5436 - Feb 18, 2010 at 22:28
Yep!Of course there's a minal change by me, like lot size, etc...Duda
Alpha In Sistemas de Negociação por franciscojasousa - Feb 18, 2010 at 22:20
At last, a little flavour :)I was beginning to wonder when will it happen.
Fxdd_manual In Sistemas de Negociação por fxandme - Feb 18, 2010 at 21:56
This is called bad luck. The moment the GU and EU trade were opened, within minutes the pair fell 100+ pips. There was no big news too :-(Seems like the Week is going to end in Red .. hmmmm
GallantFx Live, Fusion, MD, FT In Sistemas de Negociação por stevetrade - Feb 18, 2010 at 21:13
Okay, you need to use the MyFxBook EA rather than publisher. You can see how to do it here.http://www.myfxbook.com/help Look for Enabling Magic Numbers and CommentsThen you need to modify the account in Portfolio in MyFXBook to show magic numbers and comments.You can also add the names against the magic numbers here.Once you've done that y...
HEDGEPro - EXPIRED In Sistemas de Negociação por Philbot44 - Feb 18, 2010 at 18:47
So can you tell me where your managed account is might be interested in joining up if the price is right?
Oanda AUD In Sistemas de Negociação por adrian1v2000 - Feb 18, 2010 at 18:40
hi Martin...how r things moving? your account i mean😁
Correlation Martingale EA v1.01 EU H1 In Sistemas de Negociação por funyoo - Feb 18, 2010 at 11:17
Hi linuxpower,It is based on gaps between the two pairs (discontinuities).
ECN Scalper In Sistemas de Negociação por jriechers - Feb 18, 2010 at 01:11
there we go, slowly but surely
Cash Hammer v3.02 In Sistemas de Negociação por YuriyTG - Feb 17, 2010 at 18:48
To the large ship - seven ft under Kiel.
System not updating, nor does it show in list of s... In Geral por Staff - Feb 17, 2010 at 16:33
T, not sure why it was starting from 0 before since it's wouldn't be correct; in the first day of the custom start date you've chosen you lost -0.67%, hence why it appears as if it's starting from -0.67%.Please contact us privately for further support, if needed.
fxdd In Sistemas de Negociação por fxandme - Feb 17, 2010 at 09:47
Trading with EA during News time give shivers !! I think I should better turn them off during that time ...
Darren's Manual Account In Sistemas de Negociação por nikol1228 - Jul 14, 2010 at 03:57
I offer managed accounts with no minimums and 20% incentive fee. I am currently in the process of becoming a Commodity Trading Advisor (CTA) with the NFA/CFTC, which is rare among many managed account "providers".
wendel In Sistemas de Negociação por forex_trader_4974 - Feb 16, 2010 at 17:15
1) Need to scale better the hedge to avoid small market movements triggering the hedge.2) Use a indicator to measure hour range and put hedge out of the range (avoid small movements triggering the hedge).3) Get out from loosing positions with smooth loos.4) Use another correlative currency to manage hedge. MBTrading don't allow hedge on sa...
JadeFX Old In Sistemas de Negociação por xanatos - Feb 16, 2010 at 17:09
Modified version of a commercial EA, very much backtesting (to find short-term optimized parameters), a little luck :-)
AnyTime v1.4 In Sistemas de Negociação por forex_trader_7 - Feb 16, 2010 at 13:11
Not much I can give you. You'll have to find what works for you. All I'm saying is you have the MM code now, as part of your grid software. So take out how you open trades on there (if it's random or close to) and then keep it as your back end, so it's always applied to your account. Then try figure out a better way to open tra...
AlpariUS In Sistemas de Negociação por forex_trader_5436 - Feb 16, 2010 at 12:08
Hi Gump,For me it made more losses than profits! Look my SUMMARY in the "advance statistics" or complete statements!With JadeFX USDCAD is doing good... I think I'll test USDCAD again against AlpariUS next week.C-ya!
AU-Demo 3k 1:200 In Sistemas de Negociação por ruwan - Feb 16, 2010 at 11:39
Thank you!!Got it..
Orhan-Real-Fapturbo In Sistemas de Negociação por orhanmc - Feb 16, 2010 at 10:45
yes i am using fapturbo. But i am trying to open trades soetimes myself. As you can see my deposit is only 100$.
VT Trader In Caixa de Sugestões por Staff - Feb 16, 2010 at 07:58
Yes, there are plans to support it, however there's no official date yet.