NZDCAD Exchange Rate


Dollar néo-zélandais contre Dollar canadien Exchange Rate (NZD to CAD)

+0.13% +10.5 pips
Bid/Ask: 0.81651/0.81546
Intervalle quotidien: 0.81326 - 0.82147
intervalle d’une minute
intervalle de 5 minutes
intervalle de 15 minutes
intervalle de 30 minutes
intervalle d’une heure
intervalle de 4 heures
Intervalle quotidien
Intervalle hebdomadaire
Intervalle mensuel

NZDCAD Live Price Chart

Upcoming Events for NZD and CAD

RBNZ and BOC Interest Rates

New Zealand Reserve Bank of New Zealand 4.25% 4.75% 16 jours
Canada Bank of Canada 3.0% 3.25% 38 jours

Latest NZDCAD News

Bank Of Canada Cuts Interest Rates, Warns About Impact Of Potential Tariffs

Bank Of Canada Cuts Interest Rates, Warns About Impact Of Potential Tariffs

The Bank of Canada on Wednesday announced its widely expected decision to lower interest rates by a quarter point, noting consumer price inflation remains close to 2 percent and the economy is in excess supply. After cutting rates by 50 basis points at each of its two previous meetings, the Bank of Canada decided to lower the overnight rate by 25 basis points to 3 percent.
RTTNews | il y a 3
New Zealand Building Permits Rebound In November

New Zealand Building Permits Rebound In November

The number of building consents issued in New Zealand was up a seasonally adjusted 5.3 percent on month in November, Statistics New Zealand said on Monday - erasing the 5.2 percent decline in October.
RTTNews | il y a 20

Analysis for NZDCAD

NZD/CAD BoC vs. RBNZ Divergence

NZD/CAD BoC vs. RBNZ Divergence

The New Zealand dollar was the top performer among G10 currencies last night, and the latest policy meeting by the RBNZ is to thank for that. The NZD/USD exchange rate surged to an intra-day high of 0.6152, while the AUD/NZD rate fell to an intra-day low of 1.0861. The New Zealand dollar has appreciated 4.1% month-to-date versus the USD, making the Kiwi the best G10 currency this month.
ACY Securities | il y a 253
Weekly Recap August 07 - 11, 2023

Weekly Recap August 07 - 11, 2023

Participants in the foreign exchange (forex) market focused their attention on Chinese economic data and U.S. inflation statistics during this week. These factors have a significant impact on monetary policy predictions and overall market sentiment.
ACY Securities | il y a 537

NZDCAD Exchange Rates Analysis

Données historiques NZDCAD - Données historiques NZDCAD sélectionnables par plage de dates et par période.

Volatilité NZDCAD - Analyse de la volatilité des devises en temps réel NZDCAD.

Corrélation NZDCAD - Analyse de la corrélation des devises en temps réel NZDCAD.

Indicateurs NZDCAD - NZDCAD indicateurs en temps réel.

Modèles NZDCAD - NZDCAD modèles de prix en temps réel.

NZDCAD Technical Analysis

Technical Summary:
Modèle Acheter (1) Vendre (5)
Engulfing Pattern
h1, h4
Short Line
m5, h1

Live Spreads

Activité des graphiques