ZuluTrade (de Corgi)
Gain : | -39.69% |
Drawdown | 47.69% |
Pips: | 963.6 |
Transactions | 2308 |
Gagné: |
Perdu: |
Type: | Réel |
Levier: | 1:200 |
Trading: | Automatisé |
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Discussion ZuluTrade
Membre depuis Sep 14, 2009
posts 3
Nov 26, 2010 at 04:40
Membre depuis Jan 11, 2010
posts 4
Hi, Leonardo
In which broker are you connecting with ZuluTrade?
I believe minimal lot size allowed to order is depending upon your broker, not Zulu.
>how do you send your trading history to myfxbook?
See URL below.
In which broker are you connecting with ZuluTrade?
I believe minimal lot size allowed to order is depending upon your broker, not Zulu.
>how do you send your trading history to myfxbook?
See URL below.
Nov 26, 2010 at 11:38
Membre depuis Nov 06, 2010
posts 27
my broker is avafx
I just found out, using this brokerAVAFX, zulu trade doesn't support metatrader, only another platform called ava trader. and this platform does not allow 0.01 lots, only 0.05 lots.
and with this platform looks like I can't set it up to send my report to a website
I just found out, using this brokerAVAFX, zulu trade doesn't support metatrader, only another platform called ava trader. and this platform does not allow 0.01 lots, only 0.05 lots.
and with this platform looks like I can't set it up to send my report to a website

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