XXXXX- moved to new currentEA acct but dropped GDAy2 - GDAY 2 OOTB except for BE and JS, changed from 50 to 30 , started 13 Jan , added xmeter leglac (14april my set and then 12 July to xMH and then 13k)-markets 416758 - f63 (de cuzgeorge)

Gain : +50.85%
Drawdown 25.82%
Pips: 5288.1
Transactions 499
Type: Réel
Levier: 1:200
Trading: Automatisé

Discussion XXXXX- moved to new currentEA acct but dropped GDAy2 - GDAY 2 OOTB except for BE and JS, changed from 50 to 30 , started 13 Jan , added xmeter leglac (14april my set and then 12 July to xMH and then 13k)-markets 416758 - f63

Sep 29, 2012 at 14:57
Vues 176
0 Replies
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