XXXXX- moved to currentEA's acct- Xm v237cH, starting fresh 3 feb, 16feb new change 21 Sept. intchange to TP/SL with 200 for max loss, 5May, back to 300 after very good results, check gen tab -ava 50852059- F63 (de cuzgeorge)

Gain : -1.46%
Drawdown 54.63%
Pips: 1789.2
Transactions 432
Type: Démo
Levier: 1:400
Trading: Automatisé

Discussion XXXXX- moved to currentEA's acct- Xm v237cH, starting fresh 3 feb, 16feb new change 21 Sept. intchange to TP/SL with 200 for max loss, 5May, back to 300 after very good results, check gen tab -ava 50852059- F63

Apr 13, 2013 at 10:51
Vues 157
0 Replies
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