XXXX - stopped BECAUSE DEMO EXPIRED BUT WORTH LOOKIN INTO WITH MANUAL TRADES TO ENHANCE HOPEFULLY -Script by Gary for hedging and BearsnBulls v1.04a with MPTM handling MM like in TrendyGary -FXCM Boston 1681344 - f64 (de cuzgeorge)

Gain : +29.16%
Drawdown 23.69%
Pips: 2562.3
Transactions 213
Type: Démo
Levier: 1:200
Trading: Inconnu

Discussion XXXX - stopped BECAUSE DEMO EXPIRED BUT WORTH LOOKIN INTO WITH MANUAL TRADES TO ENHANCE HOPEFULLY -Script by Gary for hedging and BearsnBulls v1.04a with MPTM handling MM like in TrendyGary -FXCM Boston 1681344 - f64

Mar 10, 2013 at 13:12
Vues 143
0 Replies
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