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- Windhändler
Windhändler (de Mark_Smith)
Lutilisateur a supprimé ce système.
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Discussion Windhändler
Membre depuis Jul 03, 2010
posts 162
Membre depuis Feb 11, 2010
posts 14
Membre depuis Sep 23, 2011
posts 47
Nov 18, 2011 at 16:11
Membre depuis Sep 23, 2011
posts 47
Hello Mark,
I do understand winnerforex. You make your system public for what reason if you do not show anything?
Are you same like many others here, publishing something that they will never share or sell?
Why the heck then people would wast time and read/see your system?
Keep it Private then no one would bother you. Simple as that.
No hard feeling.
I do understand winnerforex. You make your system public for what reason if you do not show anything?
Are you same like many others here, publishing something that they will never share or sell?
Why the heck then people would wast time and read/see your system?
Keep it Private then no one would bother you. Simple as that.
No hard feeling.
Membre depuis Feb 11, 2010
posts 14
Nov 18, 2011 at 17:13
Membre depuis Feb 11, 2010
posts 14
Dear RGabor,
I do not mind making suggestions such as you did, but telling by an unidentified user more or less: 'open the history or get lost !!' is not a way I accept.
So for your information:
so far there have been no any way of making a system visible only for a couple of people. either you keep it private or it's visible for everybody. A couple of guys want to see how the system performs and this is the way they want to see it.
I know that perhaps there is a lot of other way of organizing it and that there will be soon a couple of advisors who would like to instruct me how should I do it, but ... for me it is an easy and satisfactory way of keeping my friends updated.
I do not mind making suggestions such as you did, but telling by an unidentified user more or less: 'open the history or get lost !!' is not a way I accept.
So for your information:
so far there have been no any way of making a system visible only for a couple of people. either you keep it private or it's visible for everybody. A couple of guys want to see how the system performs and this is the way they want to see it.
I know that perhaps there is a lot of other way of organizing it and that there will be soon a couple of advisors who would like to instruct me how should I do it, but ... for me it is an easy and satisfactory way of keeping my friends updated.
It's impossible that improbable will never happen !!!
Membre depuis Nov 17, 2011
posts 15
Nov 18, 2011 at 18:24
Membre depuis Nov 17, 2011
posts 15
Hi ms,
Don't listen to those IDIOTS you are free to do whatever you choose too as you just pointed it out the same way they are free to do not look into your account if they choose too but they are too STUPID and JEALOUS to realize that.
That winnerforex guy is a big LOSER and so is rgabor.
You don't have to sell or share anything if you don't want too and you can still keep it public.
Great job anyway and keep up the good work!
Don't listen to those IDIOTS you are free to do whatever you choose too as you just pointed it out the same way they are free to do not look into your account if they choose too but they are too STUPID and JEALOUS to realize that.
That winnerforex guy is a big LOSER and so is rgabor.
You don't have to sell or share anything if you don't want too and you can still keep it public.
Great job anyway and keep up the good work!
Nov 18, 2011 at 18:43
(édité Nov 18, 2011 at 18:43)
Membre depuis Jan 16, 2010
posts 41
Hello Mark,
While I like seeing your performance data, should you wish to share it only with certain individuals, you can go the Settings and click on the invitation tab. This should take care of your needs.
While I like seeing your performance data, should you wish to share it only with certain individuals, you can go the Settings and click on the invitation tab. This should take care of your needs.
Membre depuis Jul 03, 2010
posts 162
Nov 26, 2011 at 03:27
Membre depuis Jul 03, 2010
posts 162
So who you are? 'b..........ad'?
Mind your own business.. This is not the place to reveal your culture...
Mind your own business.. This is not the place to reveal your culture...
mrWoland posted:
Hi ms,
Don't listen to those IDIOTS you are free to do whatever you choose too as you just pointed it out the same way they are free to do not look into your account if they choose too but they are too STUPID and JEALOUS to realize that.
That winnerforex guy is a big LOSER and so is rgabor.
You don't have to sell or share anything if you don't want too and you can still keep it public.
Great job anyway and keep up the good work!
Nov 29, 2011 at 20:43
Membre depuis Mar 24, 2010
posts 44
Come come guys. Why the harsh tone. I'd like to see the results as well, however, that is fully up to Mark if he so wishes. Whenever I'd like to see any results I usually PM the user and asks him politely if he will let me see his results, which is quite easy to do here on myfxbook
Best regards,
Best regards,
Membre depuis Dec 30, 2009
posts 26
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