VolksFX3 Demo (de SFX_test)
Gain : | +96.28% |
Drawdown | 44.76% |
Pips: | 3498.0 |
Transactions | 182 |
Gagné: |
Perdu: |
Type: | Démo |
Levier: | - |
Trading: | Inconnu |
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Discussion VolksFX3 Demo
Sep 25, 2012 at 19:09
Membre depuis Aug 18, 2012
posts 11
Al Bundy2 -
beware of triple chaos. Al is workin throu the market, will he proceed?
you wont know until...... he´s back in his shoe shop
Al Bundy2 is chaotic experiment to trade 3 pairs using 1 EA without Magic...
Al will do his best....
and if Al is good enough he will leave his shoe shop goin PAMM...
so sit at the sideline and watch
beware of triple chaos. Al is workin throu the market, will he proceed?
you wont know until...... he´s back in his shoe shop
Al Bundy2 is chaotic experiment to trade 3 pairs using 1 EA without Magic...
Al will do his best....
and if Al is good enough he will leave his shoe shop goin PAMM...
so sit at the sideline and watch

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