vcc-MAM2 (de CuongVC)

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Discussion vcc-MAM2

Jan 31, 2020 at 20:41
Vues 851
13 Replies
Membre depuis Oct 01, 2009   posts 224
Feb 06, 2020 at 12:39
This is my new MAM with some adjustment on strategy to have better performance.

Target monthly gain: 20-25%
Expected Maximum DD: 25%

Come join the ride...

If you can prove that you can make money grows, tons of money will flow to you.
Membre depuis Feb 07, 2020   posts 6
Feb 07, 2020 at 19:03 (édité Feb 07, 2020 at 19:08)
is this system available for copying?

is broker regulated?

how much is trader's capital? any investor references?
Membre depuis Oct 01, 2009   posts 224
Feb 07, 2020 at 19:16
It is a MAM, you can join the MAM by clicking this link:

If the link is not shown here due to be taken out by moderator, it is in my profile.

I put my own money into it by being a client to the MAM in the sub account name MAM2-ClienMe (

Broker is FXChoice, not regulated in the USA but we have been having great experience with them.

For a faster and non-moderated communication, Skype me at "vccuong1". Or email me at "[email protected]"
If you can prove that you can make money grows, tons of money will flow to you.
Membre depuis Apr 25, 2019   posts 55
Feb 21, 2020 at 21:48

Those are really great results. DD seems in check too.

I hope the system can run for a long time.
Membre depuis Oct 01, 2009   posts 224
Feb 24, 2020 at 04:31
Thanks JForex78.


Today, there are issue with the MAM software again. 30 sell trades that were closed by TP on the master account do not do so in all the sub accounts.

I have contact FXChoice. I hope they will fix this soon. They need to make all transactions on the master be distributed to all sub-accounts.

You can see the different in vcc-MAM2 and MAM2-ClientMe accounts in my profile.

If you can prove that you can make money grows, tons of money will flow to you.
Membre depuis Feb 07, 2020   posts 6
Feb 24, 2020 at 20:18

This is our first month of investment. And we really like the results.

We were nervous yesterday about trade mismatch. As investors we have no recourse. And we expect the trader to monitor such problems, at the least.

We are happy that Trader monitered the problem, informed us and got it resolved. This builds trust. And its very important for us to stay invested.

Once we accrue back the capital from first investment we plan on investing more.
Membre depuis Feb 07, 2020   posts 6
Feb 24, 2020 at 20:23
Also we like it that Trader's own money is involved.

Ideally we like to see 50% trader's money, but we see Trader's account is growing.

We hope he lets it grow because without seeing Trader's money, we won't have trust, and wont invest a single penny in any system.

Membre depuis May 10, 2019   posts 1
Feb 25, 2020 at 06:01
I want to thank Cuong for professional service. Second time he has helped us (first time with a MAM1-got our fund back (broker fault), and second time MAM2, when trades on subaccounts werent close-he managed it with a broker and all our trades were closed later, but with a same price like Cuong did on his master account.)
There is no problem with communication, every question is answered ASAP.
Performance will be prove by the time, but from my point of view I can recommand Cuong as a willing person.
Membre depuis Oct 01, 2009   posts 224
Feb 25, 2020 at 13:48
Yes, all investors have had those 30 trades closed at the same price with the master's and that mean all got a big jump on their equity!

I expressed that I and investors are worry that this will happen again and said that some investors may not want to stay. FXChoice don't want us to leave them, they really want to do it right. They said they will get back to me again after they figure out what really caused the problem and hopefully will give some kind of promise that this won't happen again.

It is nice that they make it right after the issue. This is the second times their MAM software has some bugs but both times they end them with good results to the manager and investor. That is a very good thing to build trust.

If you can prove that you can make money grows, tons of money will flow to you.
Membre depuis Apr 25, 2019   posts 55
Mar 04, 2020 at 06:49

Brilliant performance in Feb, and Mar so far!

Looking forward to tighter DD in future.
Membre depuis Oct 07, 2019   posts 46
Mar 04, 2020 at 10:42
what is mam?
can i test your strategy for free on demo acc?
Membre depuis Oct 01, 2009   posts 224
Mar 05, 2020 at 14:05

MAM is "Multi-Account Manager". A MAM account help good trader (called the manager of the MAM) to trade for many clients/investors.

My account "MAM2-ClientMe" ( is my own account that is a client-account with the vcc-MAM2. It shows potential clients what your account looks like if you join.

You can message me at [email protected] for more details.

If you can prove that you can make money grows, tons of money will flow to you.
Membre depuis Oct 01, 2009   posts 224
Mar 09, 2020 at 08:25
What a start of a week! Huge move on many instruments
Aud/Usd: 3000 points down in 30 minutes, back up 2690 points.
Eur/Usd: 2000 points up, ...
Gbp/Usd: 1500 points up in 30 minutes,...

WTICrude: from 41.5 down to 27.24 (a 34.3% change in price!!!), up some now.

I am sure many accounts blown by this kind of move. I have a hard time too but has managed to pass the critical time and now "stay low" (trade a little, much small exposure).

We have so many events this year. More are expected to come.

Stay safe everyone.
If you can prove that you can make money grows, tons of money will flow to you.
Membre depuis Nov 08, 2011   posts 87
Mar 23, 2020 at 01:42
Where are the results Cuong, nothing is updating anymore??
test the waters, before you dive in
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