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- Trend on GRID
Trend on GRID (de bondfx)
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Discussion Trend on GRID
Membre depuis Sep 04, 2009
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Membre depuis Feb 16, 2010
posts 1332
Feb 16, 2011 at 10:45
(édité Feb 16, 2011 at 10:45)
Membre depuis Feb 16, 2010
posts 1332
bondfx posted:
This system is tested and trusted it cost $300 to acquire it. contact@bondfx.biz and make a request
Wow, put some real money buddy. Trying to sell with a demo f. test is ridiculous.
Don't you get it, DEMO DOES NOT SELL, neither cent accounts do.
If it's that good put few hundred $, make them few k with the same same system and then post that account here. That would prove it's tested and trusted. Now it more sounds like a joke.
"In trading, winning is frequently a question of luck, but losing is always a matter of skill."
Feb 16, 2011 at 11:45
(édité Feb 16, 2011 at 11:46)
Membre depuis Dec 01, 2010
posts 13
been running a live money will put it on now; but its cent of 40,000 equals $400 as starting fund and will post it here: You dont like it then wait till the money grows to $1000 will convert it from cent to USD. BUT the cent acct is good for all funds lower than $1000 - risk management issue. In this live acct I use three trading systems, the one with extremely low lot is the Trend_Grid, I also have Bondfx_Boom and Trend_Grid_Major.
Make Pips, Keep Money...
Feb 28, 2011 at 15:50
Membre depuis Dec 01, 2010
posts 13
i want to stop trading this DEMO so u can have the login details: Live acct in ---->> https://www.myfxbook.com/members/bondfx/trend-grid-live/90283
Dear www.bondfx.biz:Martingale!
Thank you for signing up.
An account has been opened for you with
the following parameters:
Name : www.bondfx.biz:Martingale
Email : james@bondfx.biz
Login : 1001078218
Password : xxxxxxx
Investor : 1zmowdm (read only password)
Straighthold Investment Group, Inc.
[email protected]
Dear www.bondfx.biz:Martingale!
Thank you for signing up.
An account has been opened for you with
the following parameters:
Name : www.bondfx.biz:Martingale
Email : james@bondfx.biz
Login : 1001078218
Password : xxxxxxx
Investor : 1zmowdm (read only password)
Straighthold Investment Group, Inc.
[email protected]
Make Pips, Keep Money...
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