TigerofFreedom (de Floravino)

Lutilisateur a supprimé ce système.

Discussion TigerofFreedom

Jan 07, 2020 at 16:01
Vues 456
2 Replies
Membre depuis Dec 22, 2019   posts 4
Jan 09, 2020 at 10:40
After 2 years of development I started my automated trading system at the moment on Demo account, but I'm quite optimistic to change to real at end of the month.
I would appriciate your comments concerning stability and possible improvements.
Fear prevents winning
Membre depuis Oct 29, 2012   posts 5
Jan 10, 2020 at 08:18
Floravino posted:
After 2 years of development I started my automated trading system at the moment on Demo account, but I'm quite optimistic to change to real at end of the month.
I would appriciate your comments concerning stability and possible improvements.

Hi, your system seems interesting, but how can I comment or share my thoughts to improve it?
Membre depuis Dec 22, 2019   posts 4
Jan 10, 2020 at 09:04
You can comment it here or give me a private message, it's up to you
Fear prevents winning
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