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- Super Mike (continue)
Super Mike (continue) (de mcyoyok)
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Discussion Super Mike (continue)
Membre depuis Dec 15, 2010
posts 795
Oct 25, 2011 at 14:54
Membre depuis Oct 30, 2010
posts 20
Hi Professor Garry :)
Yea I think the key of Marti is the Money Management and you don't have to be greed to get somelike 50%/mo performance. I calculate the system in order to pass all 2007-now period...and if its passed...good to go.
Of course finding a 'good' system is not easy, but we have to try find the 'balance' of the market. My goal is to have 10%/mo satisfy enough, fortunately in my 'Heaven' forwardtest....I hope it will complete my forex mission :D
Thanks for coming by
Yea I think the key of Marti is the Money Management and you don't have to be greed to get somelike 50%/mo performance. I calculate the system in order to pass all 2007-now period...and if its passed...good to go.
Of course finding a 'good' system is not easy, but we have to try find the 'balance' of the market. My goal is to have 10%/mo satisfy enough, fortunately in my 'Heaven' forwardtest....I hope it will complete my forex mission :D
Thanks for coming by
Gone With the Wind
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