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Discussion Spytrader2

Membre depuis Sep 09, 2013
posts 406
Nov 07, 2013 at 04:48
Membre depuis Sep 09, 2013
posts 406
there are worried followers that spotted your trading on this profile - https://www.myfxbook.com/members/Pincer/axxiom-gemini-targeted-return-i/577909
Membre depuis Mar 24, 2010
posts 78
Nov 27, 2013 at 11:12
Membre depuis Mar 24, 2010
posts 78
RedRhino posted:
there are worried followers that spotted your trading on this profile - https://www.myfxbook.com/members/Pincer/axxiom-gemini-targeted-return-i/577909
Thank you for reminding me. I just noticed that you left me a message.
Just to clarify, Spytrader2 is my trading strategy developed from the end of 2011.
Membre depuis Mar 24, 2010
posts 78
Membre depuis Mar 24, 2010
posts 78
Nov 27, 2013 at 11:13
Membre depuis Mar 24, 2010
posts 78
SourceCodeFx is made up by professional forex traders with more than 6 years trading experience.
It has developed over 10 EAs to trade and all of them are traded in live accounts.
Our goal is consistent profitability.
Estimated profit per month is 3-5% (30-50% yearly) supported by a track record of trading results.
It has developed over 10 EAs to trade and all of them are traded in live accounts.
Our goal is consistent profitability.
Estimated profit per month is 3-5% (30-50% yearly) supported by a track record of trading results.
Membre depuis Jan 08, 2013
posts 14

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