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smart S/R (de jag035)
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Discussion smart S/R
Nov 04, 2009 at 09:54
Membre depuis Oct 24, 2009
posts 2
Hi, gannet.
Acctualy i don'thave any system yet, but i am experimenting with S/R, and trying to build one.
I am not using any indicators at this moment, as i think that out of so many indicators one can always find an excuse to trade what one expects, as opposite what one sees.
S/R lines are,i think , the only thing that realy matters (trends included), as they have a basis in the real world, expressing the fact that there is buing/selling pressure at these levels, and through this pressure they express, at the bottom line , the expectations the market has.
Acctualy i don'thave any system yet, but i am experimenting with S/R, and trying to build one.
I am not using any indicators at this moment, as i think that out of so many indicators one can always find an excuse to trade what one expects, as opposite what one sees.
S/R lines are,i think , the only thing that realy matters (trends included), as they have a basis in the real world, expressing the fact that there is buing/selling pressure at these levels, and through this pressure they express, at the bottom line , the expectations the market has.
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