Simple math PAMM1 (de Financialarts)
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Discussion Simple math PAMM1
Membre depuis May 30, 2012
posts 124
Sep 19, 2012 at 19:05
Membre depuis May 30, 2012
posts 124
5% managers fee for investments till end of september only.
after september it will be 20% or higher depending on investment size. or package.
after september it will be 20% or higher depending on investment size. or package.
I am the change in the market that causes you to lose :p / Watch out before I negative pip you! ^^
Membre depuis May 30, 2012
posts 124
Sep 20, 2012 at 07:59
Membre depuis May 30, 2012
posts 124
thank you migtab :).
You can see that the DD on this system is a lot lower then on my other system.
This is because I needed to adapt my ea to the 4 digit brokers lotsizes and levels,
enableing me to spread the risk the simple math ea might have carried.
You can see that the DD on this system is a lot lower then on my other system.
This is because I needed to adapt my ea to the 4 digit brokers lotsizes and levels,
enableing me to spread the risk the simple math ea might have carried.
I am the change in the market that causes you to lose :p / Watch out before I negative pip you! ^^
Membre depuis May 30, 2012
posts 124
Membre depuis May 30, 2012
posts 124

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