Simple Math PAMM (de Financialarts)
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Discussion Simple Math PAMM
Membre depuis May 30, 2012
posts 124
Jan 18, 2013 at 17:28
Membre depuis May 30, 2012
posts 124
Hi everyone,
Thanks to a private investor that pulled through I finally got the funds needed to launch this PAMM, using my own written automated stratigy: the simple math series.
So starting on monday 21/01/2013 I want people to keep track of my absolute gain.
As the simple math ea is now a "finished" product. I will focus my efforts on coding other stratigy's, suggested by my investor.
The stratigy used is similar to my ATC2012 Admission:
thank you for reading,
have a nice trading time
Thanks to a private investor that pulled through I finally got the funds needed to launch this PAMM, using my own written automated stratigy: the simple math series.
So starting on monday 21/01/2013 I want people to keep track of my absolute gain.
As the simple math ea is now a "finished" product. I will focus my efforts on coding other stratigy's, suggested by my investor.
The stratigy used is similar to my ATC2012 Admission:
thank you for reading,
have a nice trading time
I am the change in the market that causes you to lose :p / Watch out before I negative pip you! ^^
Membre depuis May 30, 2012
posts 124
Membre depuis May 30, 2012
posts 124
Feb 01, 2013 at 13:15
Membre depuis May 30, 2012
posts 124
ROI of 10% for my investor within 2 weeks,
One happy trader! (me!).
these are the results 2 weeks after the startup.
Thank you for watching the Arts.
One happy trader! (me!).
these are the results 2 weeks after the startup.
Thank you for watching the Arts.
I am the change in the market that causes you to lose :p / Watch out before I negative pip you! ^^
Membre depuis May 30, 2012
posts 124
Membre depuis May 30, 2012
posts 124
Membre depuis May 30, 2012
posts 124

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