Simple Math live2 (de Financialarts)
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Discussion Simple Math live2
Membre depuis May 30, 2012
posts 124
Membre depuis May 30, 2012
posts 124
Sep 19, 2012 at 08:39
Membre depuis May 30, 2012
posts 124
today is a decent example that the EA might do better on 1 account than on the other,
it is dependant of the position/time of initialisation. for this account was initialised after the other account, the ea has a different starting point and other points of entry and reset.
The other ea will recover, but the chances are this account will get more profit today then the other one.
it is dependant of the position/time of initialisation. for this account was initialised after the other account, the ea has a different starting point and other points of entry and reset.
The other ea will recover, but the chances are this account will get more profit today then the other one.
I am the change in the market that causes you to lose :p / Watch out before I negative pip you! ^^

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