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- Several EAs 2
Several EAs 2 (de Siitari)
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Discussion Several EAs 2
Oct 01, 2010 at 03:37
Membre depuis Jul 21, 2010
posts 106
Several EAs at work here.
Multivers hasn't traded at all yet(dunno why), SteadyWinner opens orders rarely(seems to perform well when trades thought) but Ilan-TrioKS seems rather trigger happy. Waiting for it to blow the account.
All at pretty much default, some small changes in Ilan-TrioKS(MM=on). I believe Ilan-TrioKS can really benefit from a little optimizing in some parameters. Changed the code so that I can change indicator parameters too
Multivers hasn't traded at all yet(dunno why), SteadyWinner opens orders rarely(seems to perform well when trades thought) but Ilan-TrioKS seems rather trigger happy. Waiting for it to blow the account.
All at pretty much default, some small changes in Ilan-TrioKS(MM=on). I believe Ilan-TrioKS can really benefit from a little optimizing in some parameters. Changed the code so that I can change indicator parameters too
Less effort, better results.
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