SEAL Team Six (Semi-Auto) (de CommandoLab2017)
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Discussion SEAL Team Six (Semi-Auto)
Membre depuis Feb 02, 2019
posts 4
Feb 03, 2019 at 08:27
Membre depuis Feb 02, 2019
posts 4
70% profit monthly and 100% win rate!? This is absolutely incredible!
Does this mean, if I copy this system and trade with $1k I have a fair chance to make around $700 the next month?
I just came to know about MFB today. Super noob. So, if I am missing something please correct me 😄
Does this mean, if I copy this system and trade with $1k I have a fair chance to make around $700 the next month?
I just came to know about MFB today. Super noob. So, if I am missing something please correct me 😄
Membre depuis Apr 27, 2018
posts 2
Aug 30, 2019 at 08:45
Membre depuis Apr 27, 2018
posts 2
dcodemaster posted:
70% profit monthly and 100% win rate!? This is absolutely incredible!
Does this mean, if I copy this system and trade with $1k I have a fair chance to make around $700 the next month?
I just came to know about MFB today. Super noob. So, if I am missing something please correct me 😄
High risk, high profit
max DD 10% profit 5-15% per month.
max DD 20% profit 10-30% per month.
max DD 30% profit 15-45% per month.
max DD 40% profit 20-60% per month.
max DD 50% profit 25-75% per month.
max DD stop out profit 80-300% per month.
The most successful people in the world Have made many mistakes And experienced far more failure than the rest.
Membre depuis Nov 06, 2016
posts 2

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