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- Scalping v3
Scalping v3 (de forex_trader_28373)
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Discussion Scalping v3
Membre depuis Jan 31, 2011
posts 8
Apr 02, 2012 at 16:38
Membre depuis Jan 31, 2011
posts 8
willgart posted:
great results.
can you share something? ;)
Thank's. It's Scalping based on Market Volatility and one Custom indicador like Bollinger Bands with Dynamic TP and SL .
I know many people will ask if this is Million Dollar Pips or something similiar.The answer is NO!
I'm a Professional Trader and Programmer in the Forex Market 9 years. I've created many scalping systems for the past few years like this one :
This system is in test mode and the results will be released sooner.
Live Account for Scalping V3 should be started in a few weeks,so the proof that it can works will be available for all.
More information about it comming soon.
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