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Scalper (de andante9)
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Discussion Scalper
Membre depuis Sep 04, 2009
posts 879
Feb 28, 2010 at 19:48
Membre depuis Oct 23, 2009
posts 7
Hi Tom
Wouldn't it be great though!!
I've pretty much gone from sweeping the market to trying to not lose my account LOL!
There is a strong mental barrier for me when it comes to trading my real account. I find I can successfully trade a demo account to anywhere from 5 to 20 percent gains month after month - but of course I'm willing to 'risk' so much more on a demo.
Wouldn't it be great though!!
I've pretty much gone from sweeping the market to trying to not lose my account LOL!
There is a strong mental barrier for me when it comes to trading my real account. I find I can successfully trade a demo account to anywhere from 5 to 20 percent gains month after month - but of course I'm willing to 'risk' so much more on a demo.
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