scalper whit global matrik-gpthegreat (de gpthegreat)

Lutilisateur a supprimé ce système.

Discussion scalper whit global matrik-gpthegreat

Apr 24, 2013 at 05:12
Vues 530
1 Replies
Membre depuis Oct 27, 2012   posts 39
May 03, 2013 at 05:29
The victim's account over lots. we are trying to fix what can be fixed by kasainget style. although in theory the margin is very less.
sumanget teh lahir tina akal anu merdeka
Membre depuis Oct 27, 2012   posts 39
May 04, 2013 at 04:36
This account I tried to fix it with technique KASAELING but unfortunately the smallest lot as a standard account. so that equity does not allow to open a new transaction
sumanget teh lahir tina akal anu merdeka
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