Salvation 2.0 ( KIV ) (de ForexSeeker)

Gain : +11.56%
Drawdown 13.88%
Pips: -16.3
Transactions 105
Type: Démo
Levier: 1:500
Trading: Automatisé

Discussion Salvation 2.0 ( KIV )

May 24, 2010 at 12:03
Vues 645
3 Replies
Membre depuis Apr 20, 2010   posts 808
May 26, 2010 at 23:40
Problem with basket function.
When it take profit one trade, it will recalculate the profit again, sometimes result profit not enough then he open trade again.
If the tick is fast probably it will close all, if the market tick is slow problem.
Sometimes is good thing where it take profit a few times and reopen trade before it close.
But today the other open trade is floating too much, when one trade take profit, basket value become negative again.
So the drop of profit today on 27May is a result of manual close the big negative trade and it basket itself.
Information is Gold when come to organised.
Membre depuis Apr 20, 2010   posts 808
Jun 01, 2010 at 10:46
Just checking the EA and found that it did not response, probably memory overloaded.
And when activate on the MT4 platform, it took some times for the EA to finally do basket.

Customize analyze for Jun. May result is not fully automated.
Information is Gold when come to organised.
Membre depuis Apr 20, 2010   posts 808
Jun 06, 2010 at 23:42
Temporally disable the EA as code problem result platform crashing.
Information is Gold when come to organised.
Membre depuis Apr 20, 2010   posts 808
Jun 07, 2010 at 07:05
Still continue, the crash is the Alpari NZ. Which I mistakenly thought was Salvation that crash.
Information is Gold when come to organised.
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