SafeGrowth (de SafeGrowth)
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Discussion SafeGrowth
Membre depuis May 25, 2012
posts 2
Feb 10, 2013 at 07:22
Membre depuis May 25, 2012
posts 2
MAMM account with clients funds in segregated account through VantageFX
Goal: Safely increase your investment by 30% in a year.
For Investor -
Max DD in last 12 years: : 10.8%
Average DD: 6.1%
Max DD period: 2.3 months
Max Growth/Year: 80%
Lowest Growth/Year: 35%
Create your own account for SafeGrowth MAMM account by going to this link:
Goal: Safely increase your investment by 30% in a year.
For Investor -
Max DD in last 12 years: : 10.8%
Average DD: 6.1%
Max DD period: 2.3 months
Max Growth/Year: 80%
Lowest Growth/Year: 35%
Create your own account for SafeGrowth MAMM account by going to this link:
Membre depuis Mar 24, 2012
posts 19

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