RTM (de sharpie0319)
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Discussion RTM
Membre depuis Sep 14, 2017
posts 5
May 14, 2021 at 11:17
Membre depuis Dec 11, 2020
posts 14
You can probably experiment with different strategies and see if something works for your system.
There are a few interesting strategies that you can try like price action, range trading, trend trading, scalping, etc. They can work really well with some of the indicators such as MACD, moving average, etc. Keep trying to work on your system along with developing a profitable strategy.
There are a few interesting strategies that you can try like price action, range trading, trend trading, scalping, etc. They can work really well with some of the indicators such as MACD, moving average, etc. Keep trying to work on your system along with developing a profitable strategy.
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