Reactor7 (de forex_trader_88964)

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Discussion Reactor7

Mar 22, 2013 at 14:11
Vues 527
1 Replies
Membre depuis Aug 24, 2012   posts 112
Mar 24, 2013 at 07:24
If you want invest with me on this account, email me.
Membre depuis Aug 24, 2012   posts 112
Mar 27, 2013 at 18:13
Hello everybody,

If you want to follow my signals fastly you need to follow those steps :

1/ Send payment here (50$/month) -->

2/ Create an account on it's fast and easy.

3/ Download the Expert Advisor to receive my signals here -->

4/ Put expert advisor on a chart and write your ident and password mt4i. You must write my ident too : seven1234567892

5/ Send me an email with your id payment of Paypal and your nickname of mt4i

6/ let's go to trade !

If you want a perfect result, you must have broker with low spread and fat connection. I recommend to use Xemarkets like me.
Don't worry if we are not in positive in end of month, i refund you the month !

Only 5 investors ! So let's go !

If you have any question, email me on myfxbook
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