Prop Firm EA (de prop_firmea)

Gain : +10.11%
Drawdown 0.34%
Pips: 1986.0
Transactions 12
Type: Démo
Levier: 1:100
Trading: Automatisé

Discussion Prop Firm EA

Oct 12, 2024 at 15:58
Vues 44
2 Replies
Membre depuis Mar 23, 2021   posts 3
Jan 16 at 19:08

I paid over $2K for this bot and I was sent an EA that doesnt work. I was told I needed to pay an additional +1k for a VPS and was told a challenge account would be given as well.. I paid for this on December 18 and now it’s January 16 and he never replied back to me! I am so stressed out I feel betrayed. Over $3K I paid to this guy and He disappeared!   

Membre depuis Mar 23, 2021   posts 3
Jan 16 at 19:44

If anybody can help me please message me

Membre depuis Mar 23, 2021   posts 3
Jan 20 at 16:40

paid this guy $3K for the EA on December 18th and he took my money and ran. It’s now January 20th and he still did not provide me the EA. Sad how someone provides a service and tells lies

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