Profit-Bank - connect with EA (de profitbank)
Gain : | +1005.98% |
Drawdown | 31.25% |
Pips: | 2670.6 |
Transactions | 261 |
Gagné: |
Perdu: |
Type: | Réel |
Levier: | 1:100 |
Trading: | Inconnu |
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Discussion Profit-Bank - connect with EA
Membre depuis Oct 10, 2012
posts 69
Jan 30, 2013 at 15:08
(édité Jan 30, 2013 at 15:08)
Membre depuis Oct 10, 2012
posts 69

1) PBS - not sell
2) I am not manage accounts
3) You can subscribe on PBS signals (same results)
Tautrader and Deedou - thank you for info.

1) PBS - not sell
2) I am not manage accounts
3) You can subscribe on PBS signals (same results)
Tautrader and Deedou - thank you for info.
Membre depuis Aug 22, 2009
posts 382
Membre depuis Feb 01, 2013
posts 27
Membre depuis Feb 01, 2013
posts 27
Membre depuis Feb 04, 2012
posts 80
Feb 20, 2013 at 16:28
Membre depuis Feb 04, 2012
posts 80
pip2cash posted:
Not being updated anymore?
No! Of course, not. As expected, it was another GRAND SCAM.
Bloggers and live testers raising any questions incl. BigBen and myself (with another name) were blocked by "profitbank" from writing about any concerns.
What a pity that the Forex world is full of such SCAMMERS like ProfitBank and company...!!
(Probably this is my last message as after this comment "profitbank" will block me from writing any further comments. 😱)
Membre depuis Oct 10, 2012
posts 69
Apr 09, 2013 at 09:13
Membre depuis Oct 10, 2012
posts 69
Hello! :)
Yes, the drawdown was not deny it, but now the system is updated, and I'm only private trade and account management. Signals also will not, I am tired of the accusations and lie to me. So I opened a new project with result of my trade for investors.
All those who accuse me and provoked - I blocked them. It is not good to do that!
Yes, the drawdown was not deny it, but now the system is updated, and I'm only private trade and account management. Signals also will not, I am tired of the accusations and lie to me. So I opened a new project with result of my trade for investors.
All those who accuse me and provoked - I blocked them. It is not good to do that!

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