Powerhouse EA (high risk) (de lilredry)

Gain : -7.96%
Drawdown 44.69%
Pips: 2140.3
Transactions 4619
Type: Démo
Levier: 1:200
Trading: Automatisé

Discussion Powerhouse EA (high risk)

Apr 08, 2024 at 18:20
Vues 218
1 Replies
Membre depuis Jul 16, 2024   posts 1
Aug 14, 2024 at 21:03
How come the losses were so sever on August 5? It's similar on the low risk Powerhouse EA too. Are these kinds of losses to be expected at these risk settings?
Membre depuis Jun 03, 2011   posts 9
Aug 15, 2024 at 03:42
High risk has an estimated profit of 6-10% monthly. I expect 0-3 losses each year. A loss takes 3-4 months to recover. Typically we can have up to 2 losses a year and still come out with 10-30% or more after a 12 month period. It's when we see 3 losses, we're looking at most likely a BE for the year.

I've decided to have my strategies accept losses rather than just let strategies blow accounts. The issue is... It can be a challenge for traders to look to the 12 month period rather than month to month. A 3-4 month recovery period can be difficult traders. As humans, we're impatient. Especially when we see other traders or strategies making a profit. It's the cereal bounce from system to system problem most retail traders have. We never see things through.

I stayed with my strategies for over 4 years now and they have done well. the -78% DD happened June 9th 2021. Since June 9th 2021, my account never saw more than -16% DD. You can use the myfxbook custom analysis tool to verify this.
See my previous account here. I'm still in the process of moving my live accounts to OX securities.
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