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pop4xdotcom (de popisdead)
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Discussion pop4xdotcom
Membre depuis Nov 11, 2009
posts 3
Feb 19, 2010 at 01:37
Membre depuis Feb 18, 2010
posts 6
hello, I wish I could talk to learn trading at close to you?
hello, I wish I could talk to learn trading at close to you?
would like to know the indicators you use and how long you trader.J 'have lost much money in forex, thank you kindly answer me.
would like to know the indicators you use and how long you trader.J 'have lost much money in forex, thank you kindly answer me.
I am much impressed by your results I am an African and I live in cote d'ivoire but I am much interested in the forex because I wish I could earn my living trading.
hello, I wish I could talk to learn trading at close to you?
would like to know the indicators you use and how long you trader.J 'have lost much money in forex, thank you kindly answer me.
would like to know the indicators you use and how long you trader.J 'have lost much money in forex, thank you kindly answer me.
I am much impressed by your results I am an African and I live in cote d'ivoire but I am much interested in the forex because I wish I could earn my living trading.
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