PointerFx (de EMIT)
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Discussion PointerFx

Membre depuis Jul 25, 2011
posts 34
Membre depuis Dec 07, 2009
posts 134
Mar 18, 2012 at 18:37
Membre depuis Dec 07, 2009
posts 134
Looks nice but these guys have a history of products that work on demo but not on live. They also are known for their arrogance and talking down to customers whom they view as far less knowledgeable than they are.
Be afraid, very afraid?
Apr 12, 2012 at 11:22
Membre depuis Nov 04, 2010
posts 5
If they are so good, why do they waste their precious time on Demo?
If I could turn $1K to $1M, then I could turn $10K in to $10M then I would take my laptop to a beautiful island, buy the whole damn island, buy private jets and yachts and maids, and tell the whole world to kiss my A S S. The last thing I would do is waste my time on a Demo account.
If I could turn $1K to $1M, then I could turn $10K in to $10M then I would take my laptop to a beautiful island, buy the whole damn island, buy private jets and yachts and maids, and tell the whole world to kiss my A S S. The last thing I would do is waste my time on a Demo account.

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