PAMM - Right Simple System (de sabiq)

Gain : +926.29%
Drawdown 99.84%
Pips: 2349.0
Transactions 4219
Type: Réel
Levier: 1:600
Trading: Inconnu

Discussion PAMM - Right Simple System

Aug 23, 2011 at 20:35
Vues 1,975
11 Replies
Membre depuis Aug 06, 2011   posts 3
Sep 25, 2011 at 17:33
thx to all investor 😄
The power of dreams
Membre depuis Sep 25, 2011   posts 2
Sep 25, 2011 at 20:47
hi nice to meet you
Membre depuis Mar 30, 2010   posts 10
Sep 26, 2011 at 10:18
bro, diliat dr sisi balance kok ada penurunan, trus di-inject lagi ya?
practice makes perfect
Membre depuis Aug 06, 2011   posts 3
Sep 26, 2011 at 13:59

   hnsx99 posted:
   bro, diliat dr sisi balance kok ada penurunan, trus di-inject lagi ya?

itu wd bos, trus ada yg invest lg :D
khan keliatan dr growth profit :D
The power of dreams
Membre depuis Mar 28, 2011   posts 1008
Sep 27, 2011 at 11:51
Simple Martingale . At least your honest and willing to keep your Trade history open to public. I wish I could say the same for other members that run Martingale.

The equity drawdown is pretty scary when you look at the Instaforex widget as the true DD doesn't show up on Myfxbook.

System is High Risk with potentially high reward.

Recommended to pull profits out after each recovery.
Membre depuis Mar 30, 2010   posts 10
Sep 27, 2011 at 16:27
ada bule comment, mirip ama ane pertanyaannya..o jadi wd n new invest ya masbro? ok,good job..keep your far so good..cheers..:)
practice makes perfect
Membre depuis Mar 30, 2010   posts 10
Oct 28, 2011 at 01:03
bro, kok trend profit-nya sesudah berjalan +/- 3 bulan menurun, ini ada apa?... 😞
practice makes perfect
Membre depuis Mar 30, 2010   posts 10
Nov 23, 2011 at 22:57
trend profit naik lagi ya bro..good job bro..keep your performance..:)
practice makes perfect
Membre depuis Apr 28, 2011   posts 116
Nov 28, 2011 at 05:55 (édité Nov 28, 2011 at 05:59)

   ForexScam posted:
   Simple Martingale . At least your honest and willing to keep your Trade history open to public. I wish I could say the same for other members that run Martingale.

The equity drawdown is pretty scary when you look at the Instaforex widget as the true DD doesn't show up on Myfxbook.

System is High Risk with potentially high reward.

Recommended to pull profits out after each recovery.

kowe ki kakean cerewet to dul, senengane komen komen menjatuhkan.mbok kowe wae dewe gawe pamm rasah kakean cangkem.kowe ta tukoke koco pengilon nggo ngoco awakmu dewe yo, wes pantes durung kowe komen2 koyo ngono.kowe oleh komen asal hasil tradingmu dewe luweh apik.nak durung luweh apik meneng wae rasah kakean cerigis

-skalian sundul mas bero.. 😝

-cendole mas bero wkkekekeek
Membre depuis Aug 06, 2011   posts 3
Nov 28, 2011 at 08:25

   andieliu posted:

   ForexScam posted:
   Simple Martingale . At least your honest and willing to keep your Trade history open to public. I wish I could say the same for other members that run Martingale.

The equity drawdown is pretty scary when you look at the Instaforex widget as the true DD doesn't show up on Myfxbook.

System is High Risk with potentially high reward.

Recommended to pull profits out after each recovery.

kowe ki kakean cerewet to dul, senengane komen komen menjatuhkan.mbok kowe wae dewe gawe pamm rasah kakean cangkem.kowe ta tukoke koco pengilon nggo ngoco awakmu dewe yo, wes pantes durung kowe komen2 koyo ngono.kowe oleh komen asal hasil tradingmu dewe luweh apik.nak durung luweh apik meneng wae rasah kakean cerigis

-skalian sundul mas bero.. 😝

-cendole mas bero wkkekekeek

slow mas bro
sante bae..
ngko tak guyur cendol wes..
The power of dreams
Membre depuis Nov 24, 2011   posts 1
Nov 30, 2011 at 19:53
waaaah para master kumpul disini..
Membre depuis Sep 16, 2011   posts 4
Dec 14, 2011 at 11:29
sukses PAMM nya gan sabiq, keep ijo-ijo terus......
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