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- Orion High Profit
Orion High Profit (de FXSalt001)
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Discussion Orion High Profit
Membre depuis Feb 16, 2010
posts 1305
Feb 10, 2011 at 14:37
Membre depuis Feb 16, 2010
posts 1305
Is this some kind of joke?
"In trading, winning is frequently a question of luck, but losing is always a matter of skill."
Membre depuis Oct 18, 2009
posts 212
Feb 12, 2011 at 21:24
Membre depuis Oct 18, 2009
posts 212
pingvin posted:
Patience, what is 'OPM'?
On the side note, I read the description of this system, description is a total win.
OPM = other people's money
Description is a total win? I just read the description so I am assuming that you are being sarcastic. They keep a fairly tight stoploss? If this account is indicative of a tight stoploss I wonder what would be considered a loose one?
Membre depuis Oct 18, 2009
posts 212
Feb 12, 2011 at 23:13
Membre depuis Oct 18, 2009
posts 212
pingvin posted:
Thanks man! Yes, I was being sarcastic, lol, I had to read description twice and I almost fell of the chair laughing.
Oh, he he he - thought I was losing it for a minute there 😲 Nice to see someone else around with a sense of humour. They seem few and far between these days.
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