newsscalper1 (de QuantumTrading)
Gain : | +1394.22% |
Drawdown | 17.03% |
Pips: | 100.0 |
Transactions | 50 |
Gagné: |
Perdu: |
Type: | Réel |
Levier: | 1:400 |
Trading: | Automatisé |
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Discussion newsscalper1
Membre depuis Jan 22, 2010
posts 31
Membre depuis Jan 22, 2010
posts 31

Membre depuis Mar 28, 2011
posts 942
Jun 25, 2012 at 16:40
Membre depuis Mar 28, 2011
posts 942
100% arbitrage. I've been contacted by another member who offered a managed account at Activtraders, One of that brokers that actually pay on the Arb accounts if their account isn't red flagged first. the other accounts i've seen from the Arb bot at activtrades never lasted for more than a few weeks. and the guys advertising the gig were mentioning start small and pull the profits out.
I'm surprised you got in and got out with this much cash.
I'm surprised you got in and got out with this much cash.
Membre depuis Jan 22, 2010
posts 31
Jun 26, 2012 at 09:16
Membre depuis Jan 22, 2010
posts 31
ForexScam posted:
100% arbitrage. I've been contacted by another member who offered a managed account at Activtraders, One of that brokers that actually pay on the Arb accounts if their account isn't red flagged first. the other accounts i've seen from the Arb bot at activtrades never lasted for more than a few weeks. and the guys advertising the gig were mentioning start small and pull the profits out.
I'm surprised you got in and got out with this much cash.
Its not typical arb strategy, its rather very fast scalping model.
Well there is nothing suprising I got in and out with that cash, as the broker allows to trade with any scalping model.
Membre depuis Jan 22, 2010
posts 31
Membre depuis Jan 22, 2010
posts 31
Membre depuis Jan 22, 2010
posts 31

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