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NeoScalper (de neotradex)
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Discussion NeoScalper
Membre depuis Dec 29, 2011
posts 20
May 19, 2012 at 06:07
(édité May 19, 2012 at 06:28)
Membre depuis Dec 29, 2011
posts 20
Nice results for the moment
You can follow my demo account here
I will try to update neural nets regulary
I use fixed lot 0.1 but with max orders 20
PS: Please can you tel us what values you chose for the 'depht', 'validation length' and how many months for the learning process on M30
My chose for H1 are :
-Depth 500
-Validation length 5000
-on 10 last months
Nice results for the moment
You can follow my demo account here
I will try to update neural nets regulary
I use fixed lot 0.1 but with max orders 20
PS: Please can you tel us what values you chose for the 'depht', 'validation length' and how many months for the learning process on M30
My chose for H1 are :
-Depth 500
-Validation length 5000
-on 10 last months
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