My FX Dream (de bluboy)
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Discussion My FX Dream
Membre depuis Nov 26, 2010
posts 4
Membre depuis Oct 28, 2009
posts 1409
Dec 09, 2010 at 20:56
Membre depuis Oct 28, 2009
posts 1409
This is a martingale I presume?
11:15, restate my assumptions: 1. Mathematics is the language of nature. 2. Everything around us can be represented and understood through numbers. 3. If you graph these numbers, patterns emerge. Therefore: There are patterns everywhere in nature.
Membre depuis Oct 28, 2009
posts 1409
Dec 10, 2010 at 08:52
(édité Dec 10, 2010 at 08:52)
Membre depuis Oct 28, 2009
posts 1409
Martingales go as fast as the risk employed. The faster they go the harder they bounce
11:15, restate my assumptions: 1. Mathematics is the language of nature. 2. Everything around us can be represented and understood through numbers. 3. If you graph these numbers, patterns emerge. Therefore: There are patterns everywhere in nature.
Dec 10, 2010 at 15:29
Membre depuis Mar 07, 2010
posts 255
that's my point ... so most of them on backtest would simply fail quickly ... unless you get lucky and increase the account to the point that the hard bounce doesn't crash the account
either that or he's using some "great" strategy and offsetting the loses with the martingale
either that or he's using some "great" strategy and offsetting the loses with the martingale

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