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Monthly 50 pips Club (de TheForexFox)
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Discussion Monthly 50 pips Club
Membre depuis Nov 02, 2011
posts 57
Jan 10, 2012 at 04:47
Membre depuis Nov 02, 2011
posts 57
Hello Wenz,Zhen,Vijay
My name is Ken, I wish to thank you for inviting me and welcome you all to the club.
I feel we can stay in contact with each other on this discussion board by using Google translator to translate the different languages we all use. Good luck to all and good trading.
您好Wenz,珍,维杰 -
KEN - TheForexFox
My name is Ken, I wish to thank you for inviting me and welcome you all to the club.
I feel we can stay in contact with each other on this discussion board by using Google translator to translate the different languages we all use. Good luck to all and good trading.
您好Wenz,珍,维杰 -
KEN - TheForexFox
Trade the plan that works for you!!
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