MFM3 IC Markets (de forex_trader_155948)

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Discussion MFM3 IC Markets

May 28, 2014 at 20:47
Vues 109
1 Replies
Membre depuis Jan 16, 2014   posts 2
Jun 16, 2014 at 10:03
It is not only the mentioned day attached here. It is all days until now knowing that I am using a demo account so of course I will not go with him using a real account and I HIGHLY DON'T RECOMMEND that MFM3 Automated EA.

N.B.: He will not reply to your emails after three 3-5 times reply as he knows he is loosing!


Fichiers joints:

Membre depuis Jan 16, 2014   posts 2
Jun 16, 2014 at 13:36
Dear Matthew,

You are kindly requested to cancel my subscription and refund back my money as you are just losing money and no profit at all as you mentioned "Generally you brink profit from 10%-100% depends on the broker"!

****************************************************No Profits**********************************************
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