Make_Profit_EA (de Neosul)
Gain : | +208.21% |
Drawdown | 22.17% |
Pips: | 9881.2 |
Transactions | 2334 |
Gagné: |
Perdu: |
Type: | Réel |
Levier: | 1:500 |
Trading: | Automatisé |
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Discussion Make_Profit_EA
Sep 26, 2019 at 12:14
Membre depuis Jan 30, 2015
posts 10
Neosul posted:
Monthly target arrived and already over it!! I am happy and still 2 1/2 days trading aviator
Let it run my EA
Congratulations Ne0sul, by the way I'd dropped you an email/ msg via telegram. Hope to hear from you soon.
Oct 06, 2019 at 12:06
Membre depuis Aug 23, 2018
posts 9
Sorry for that we have miss around about 7% at week 40! But I even don’t change the lot size! Bigger account with same lot only missing 7%!!
I am excited for that to see.
Let the profit come home!!
Hope you all have a nice weekend and exited go start week 41/2019.
Let the money come home
#profit #wemakeit #amazing
I am excited for that to see.
Let the profit come home!!
Hope you all have a nice weekend and exited go start week 41/2019.
Let the money come home
#profit #wemakeit #amazing
when you not try you can not win
Membre depuis Jun 27, 2014
posts 98

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